The cash advance industry is alive and well on the internet. These types of loans, sometimes called payday loans, require no credit check and require that the borrower has a job and earns $1000 per month or more. Folks use these loans to keep their checkbooks balanced during financial shortcomings, to fix their car or any number of minor fiscal crisis's.
Pay back terms on these loans are usually between a few days to a month. Payday loans can be a good way to bridge a short term money shortage, especially if you're expecting a nice sized paycheck shortly.
The "dark side" of a cash advance or payday loan is that interest rates can be very high. I've seen advertised rates as high as 95% on some of these loans! Even the local loanshark doesn't charge THAT MUCH! If you are considering a payday loan, make sure you read the FINE PRINT.
Early Pay Day

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