Plan Ball!

With the Major League baseball season over, winter about to begin and Little League opening day 170 days away, what do you think I'll be doing for the next two weeks?

If you guessed "sitting on a beach in the Caribbean sipping Pina Coladas," YOU'RE WRONG!

I'll be attending meetings designed to improve our town's youth baseball programs. We argue about review rules, argue about coordinate field times, argue about determine team roster sizes, argue about plan fund raising campaigns and argue about recommend coaching positions.

It's an important time of year. We need to get all our ducks in line now to assure a smooth season. Even though we're half a year away from opening day, we'll invariably find ourselves under the gun to finish everything in time for the season to start.

I went to a meeting tonight and it was productive. We came to some real decisions about rule changes and coaching expectations that will ultimately make the games move along a bit faster-that's always good for the kids (and their parents). It was also fun to talk about baseball with a group of people who love the game.

I love my Red Sox, but I love the Little League even more.

Did I mention it was 170 days until opening day?

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