My wife is beside herself. At this time of year, there is NFL Football on Monday Night, Thursday Night, Saturday Night, Sunday at 1PM, Sunday at 4PM and Sunday Night. When football is on, I get to watch on the "good" TV-she sometimes watches with me but often retreats to the boudoir to watch a movie.

"How many friggin nights can they have football on?!?" she is often heard saying at this time of year.

She's caught up in the Patriots run this year, but she can't understand my fascination with the other games. I try to remind her that I often have more than a sporting interest in the games and that my success is key to a happy household. She just says "Show me the money when you win, otherwise LET ME WATCH MY SHOW."

My wife will be glad when the Superbowl is over, but then it's only 2 months until baseball season!

Check out Winning Football Picks and see how we're doing!

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