Slik tripods

My wife got a digital camera for Christmas. I also have a digital camera. When we look at a slide show of our pictures, you can tell who took the picture by who is NOT in the picture. We seem to have very few pictures with both of us in them.

Both our cameras have a timing feature which allows us to hit the button and rush into the picture, but we never use it. We need one of those slik tripods to hold the camera steady. I used to have a slik tripod, but the ex-wife stole it when we split up-out of spite. She NEVER uses the damn thing, but do you think she'd give it back?

Slik tripods are very light weight, lighter than a "soccer" chair. In fact it would fit in the same bag as the "soccer" chair, so it's not like it would be a clumsy thing to tote around. Maybe I'll get a slik tripod for Father's Day.


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