Child Care

I went to Florida with FIVE KIDS last week. My wife had to skip this trip because she had to coach a major swim tournament all week. My kids are 3, 10, 11, 13 and 15 years old. I took them through the airport and on the plane without incident and I trucked them off to the beach every day while we were there. One day at the beach, as we were packing up to go, a woman who was seated nearby with her daughter and TWO grandchildren came up to me and said I was the "best beach dad" she ever saw! She complimented me on my patience and my ability to juggle the needs of all the kids. Boy did that make me happy. I told her I have had lots of experience and I thanked her for her praise.

Experience is a key parenting tool. I remember when I was a wide eyed new parent. I didn't know what I was doing. I am amazed my oldest turned out so well! Every little thing from how to feed the kid to finding a child care nursery was a huge decision.

We have always been blessed with good Child care nursery choices. I would certainly NEVER leave my kids with someone who I wasn't comfortable with. Often times, good day care centers can be a good source of information, even if they are too far away to use for your own kids. Teddies Nurseries is a UK based Child care nursery that not only provides top notch care for kids 3 months to five years old, they also have a plethora of information on their website about parenting, child care and children's health. It certainly looks like the type of place I'd feel comfortable with and it has the information first time parents can use for lots of their kid's issues.

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