Guest Dogger

I'm a fan of The Ben Spark blog; I have been featured there in the past and I've gotten to know Drew- the author- a bit. He's an avid photographer and he takes a Photo a Day as a feature on his site. We have been exchanging emails and when he said he was going to be in Framingham, we decided to meet at the Trolley Stop for a few dogs and some good blog talk.

I have featured the Trolley Stop on Hot Dog Stories before, so I knew the food was going to be good. Make sure you check for a new installment on the Trolley Stop on Hot Dog Stories soon.

In this super electronic day and age where everybody "tweets" and "IM's" or texts each other, it's good to get together face to face with folks (especially "internet friends") every once in a while. What better way to "ketchup" with someone than over lunch at a hot dog joint?

Drew and I shared some ideas and we may be doing more joint ventures in the future.

You can see our hot dog story in a few weeks (there's a 3-4 week backlog on the Hot Dog Stories site). In the mean time, you can be safe in knowing Drew gave the Trolley Stop TWO THUMBS UP!

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1 comment:

BenSpark said...


Great to see you, love the thumbs up photo you shot of me. The Trolley Stop was great. I'll go back there.

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