
In my quest to clean up the sidebars, I turned my attention to Bidvertiser yesterday. For those who don't know, Bidvertiser is a pay per click advertising program similar to Google Adsense. I have Adsense on the site and it performs quite well-$100 to $200 per month in revenue.

Bidvertiser is another story. Their ads are what I'd call "hokey." Lots of "get rich quick" programs, free ringtone ads and other such nonsense. Not a lot of value to the reader. I have had Bidvertiser ads on the site for over 9 months-TOTAL REVENUE= $3.10. Not a lot of value to me.

$3.10 over 9 months is a little bit more than 34 cents per month. No value there. The ads display intermittently and they don't earn their keep. The referral widget has generated 4 clicks in 9 months and NO referrals.

Bye bye Bidvertiser. Google earns, you don't.

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