Jeff from Horizon Technology is probably my "top regular."Back at the old spot, seeing Jeff only four times a week meant something was wrong or he had a sales meeting. I don't know if Jeff will be a daily visitor at the new spot, but I am sure he'll continue to be a frequent regular.
Jeff has also hipped the guys at the California office (located in Lake Forest) to this website. They stop in and look at the site regularly and I like to have a little fun with them.
Last week, I received an email from another Jeff at Horizon Technology with the subject header: "Can You Come to Lake Forest, CA - We Roll Hard Out West N Sh*t....."
All the email contained was these two pictures:
I don't know what the hell it says on the gal's belly (please if you can translate let me know), but those look like some beefy dogs!
Anyways, I replied to Jeff but he didn't get my email, spam filters being what they are at big companies. Here was my reply:
I would LOVE to come out there, it looks really nice, but you also say stuff like "we roll hard out West N Shit," which is kind of gay!
You couldn't afford to pay for my gas to drive this beast coast to coast anyways. It would be a lot easier for you to fly east, take the entire Framingham office to lunch and leave a big tip.
You WILL be harshed on the internet.
Have a nice day!
-the Hotdogman
Just for S&G's, I googled "We Roll Hard Out West N Sh*t." and I found THIS GUY'S page. The site is strange-the guy is either a complete idiot or a comic genius! What hooked me was the site's music. I'm normally not one for music on a website, but the track "Bitch, I love you" by Black Joe Lewis caught my ear. The site is a definite WTF!?!?
So to you, Jeff in Lake Forest, I say this. The only way I roll is on a hot dog roll! NO SH*T!
Bitch, I Love You

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