Update on National Hot Dog Month 2012

While the rush to fund the National Hot Dog Month 2012 tour has not resulted in an initial public groundswell, lots has been happening behind the scenes.

I have forged two traditional media partnerships (one newspaper and one TV station) with negotiations in process for additional partnerships. These partnerships guarantee mass exposure for the tour which results in many more eyeballs to the tour and the websites. This presents a unique marketing opportunity for companies that wish to be associated with the tour; for relatively short money (compared to traditional marketing channels) a company can sponsor the tour and get exposure for their brand for the entire month.

I am also very pleased to announce the addition of Drew Bennet to the team. Drew runs the Benspark blog and has a very dedicated following. He's also an accomplished photographer and videographer; Drew will be handling most of the video recording and photography for the tour. He's also working on getting General Motors to give us vehicles to travel around in. You may recall, he scored a Camaro convertible for our visit to Larry Joe's New England Fire Pit last summer.

I have also decided to focus primarily on the iconic hot dog establishments of New England- places that have a 50+ year history- for at least half of the visits. We will also attend more baseball venues, particularly if certain deals that are in the works fall into place. GM would like the "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet" angle as would several local minor/collegiate baseball leagues in New England I have been in contact with. Of course we will have a few carts, trailers and trucks in line, just not as many. We are also going to limit "repeat visits" this summer- no offence to past participants, we just want to keep the content fresh.

Check back for further updates.

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